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Does Probate Law Differ in Houston Than Other Places in TX?

Generally speaking, no. Probate law does not differ in Houston compared to other locations in Texas. That said, certain aspects of the probate process may vary depending on your location. 

If you have questions about the probate process in Houston, TX, know you are not alone. Read on to learn more about Texas probate proceedings and how probate law differs in Houston from other places in TX. Then, contact the probate and estate administration attorneys at Robbins Estate Law to see how we can help you navigate the Texas probate process today. 

How Probate Works in Texas, Generally

Before diving into the probate process in Houston, specifically, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how the process works, generally. 

Notably, it’s important to remember that Texas’s probate law is governed by statute. As such, the rules and procedures governing probate are consistent throughout Texas. 

The Texas probate process will typically involve the following steps: 

  • Filing an application for probate with the appropriate court and paying any applicable filing fees;
  • Proving the validity of the will (if one exists and is filed with the court); 
  • Cataloging and inventorying any assets of the subject estate; 
  • Identifying and providing notice of the probate proceedings to any heirs, beneficiaries, and creditors of the estate; 
  • Paying off any taxes or debts of the estate; and 
  • Distributing the remainder of the estate to the appropriate beneficiaries. 

The precise steps may vary slightly depending on factors such as the value of the estate and the type of probate being pursued. However, the legal procedures and requirements will remain the same regardless of your location in Texas. 

How Does Probate Law Differ in Houston Than Other Places in TX?

Although the statutory requirements are consistent from county to county, there may be some differences in how various courts throughout Texas handle the probate process. Below are some examples of differences that may arise in how a probate case is handled depending on the location: 

  • Local court rules. Each county in Texas may implement its own set of local rules and procedures governing how matters are handled. Thus, even though the law will not vary from county to county, certain procedural and administrative aspects of a probate case could differ in Harris County compared to other counties in Texas. 
  • Filing and other fees. Filing fees and other court costs related to the probate may also vary depending on where you file the probate application. For example, constable service by posting is typically $80 in Harris County, compared to $65 in Lubbock County.  
  • Judicial caseload. The caseload and capacity of the presiding court, which can affect the timing of hearings and the overall length of proceedings, can also vary from county to county. Due to the size and population of Harris County, it has certain specialized probate courts that have been designated to handle probate matters exclusively, allowing it to take on more probate matters and handle them more efficiently than other areas in the state.

Thus, although the core principles of probate law are uniform throughout Texas, having a local Houston-area attorney with experience handling probate matters in Harris County, specifically, can greatly benefit your case.  

Robbins Estate Law: Your Trusted Houston Probate and Estate Administration in Texas

Probate and estate administration in Texas is no easy task. That’s why we’ve dedicated a large portion of our practice to helping clients successfully navigate what can be an extremely complex process. 

At Robbins Estate Law, we pride ourselves on providing clear, reliable, and exceptional legal representation to our clients while offering predictable and transparent pricing. Call us today to discuss your needs and goals and see how our team can help you with your Houston probate matter moving forward. 


Where Do I File an Application for Probate?

In Texas, you will typically file an application for probate with the probate court in the county where the deceased individual (decedent) resided at the time of their death. Thus, if the decedent was a Houston resident at the time of their passing, you will most likely need to initiate the probate proceedings with the Harris County probate courts.

Are There Specific Probate Laws That Only Apply in Houston? 

No, there are no probate laws specific to Houston that would not apply in other areas of Texas. This is because probate law in Texas is governed by state statutes, which are consistent throughout the state regardless of the county within which the probate proceedings take place. That said, there may be certain administrative and logistical factors to consider that could affect how a case is handled from county to county. 

How Long Does the Probate Process Take? 

Unfortunately, there is no standard or average timeframe for how long the probate process takes in Texas. In some cases, the entire process from start to finish may be completed in several months. In other cases, however, the process may take multiple years. Ultimately, the length of the probate process will vary depending on factors such as the county where the application for probate is filed, the capacity of the presiding court, whether a valid will exists, and the complexity of the case.

Author Photo

Kyle Robbins

Kyle Robbins is the founder and sole owner of The Law
Offices of Kyle Robbins. He received his J.D. with honors from the University of Texas School of Law and his B.S. in Food Chemistry and Microbiology from Oklahoma State University.

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