| Read Time: 2 minutes | Elder Abuse

Children of Entertainment Legends Fight for Right to Visit Aging Parents

“The adult children of entertainment legends Casey Kasem, Mickey Rooney and Glen Campbell tried Tuesday to convince Michigan legislators to pass a law, they say would protect aging parents by ensuring visitation rights for their loved ones.” Kerri Kasem, Kelly Rooney, and Travis Campbell were recently joined by other supporters, in testifying before the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee to...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Retirement Planning

Retired and Planning to See the World? Be Sure You Plan Ahead!

“When we think of retirement, we often imagine ourselves exploring the globe and taking advantage of the seemingly limitless amount of free time we suddenly have on our hands.” Many people see retirement as the ideal time to travel, with all their work-related time constraints gone.  However, because most seniors are on a fixed income, paying for those trips...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Elder Abuse

Financial Industry Watchdog Enacts New Rules to Help Seniors

“The FINRA has instated two new rules this week to combat financial abuse and fraud against the elderly and other vulnerable adults.” FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, has instituted two new rules to help thwart elder financial abuse: Financial advisors must now make every reasonable effort to get the name and contact information of a trusted person for...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Estate Planning

How the Changes to the Death Tax May Affect You

The changes to the federal estate tax law or “death taxes” went into effect on January 1. MarketWatch’srecent article, “Watch out for the gift tax trap in the new tax law,” reports the new law significantly increases the amount allowed to calculate taxes on estates, where no federal tax would be applied. A single person could now die owning up to $11.2...

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